Amit Kunnath has released a new EP, Binding In Honour, for his music project Educated Earth. His new release consists of five original songs discussing the importance of living an ethical and fulfilling life – a life of service and of honour.

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For immediate release

Perth, Western Australia. 24 February 2023

Educated Earth is an electropop solo music project by Amit Kunnath. Kunnath is a seventeen year-old from Western Australia, and he is passionate about music, education, and politics. He released to streaming services a new record, Binding In Honour, on the 24th of February 2023.

Kunnath’s lyrics tend to discuss his view on what an ideal world should look like – after all, Educated Earth is his dream of a world in which everyone has the gift of a quality education. Educated Earth has previously released a five-song EP called Realistic Optimism, and before that, in March 2022, a single titled Escape to Love.

The solo music project’s new EP called Binding In Honour consists of five songs, the lyrical content of which explores Amit Kunnath’s deeply-held belief that all people ought to treat one another with kindness. Kunnath named the EP “Binding In Honour” after the concept of a binding in honour clause in contract law. In other words, the idea that we should keep our promises out of honour and respect, instead of relying on the threat of litigation to force us to uphold a contract.

The record opens with the song You Are That. In this composition, Kunnath writes lyrics about overcoming pain and discovering one’s true self in the process. Kunnath delivers these lyrics over a simple and reassuring melody, supported by a basic chord progression consisting of the I, IV, V, and vi chords, seeking to convey the themes of resilience and hope.

The EP then continues promoting its message of hope and love in its second track, People Are Good. This song is told from the perspective of someone who notices another person feeling confused about life, with Amit Kunnath singing the opening lyric “I know that you have often thought about why we live…”. Kunnath then reassures the listener that “Though you may be quite confused… you exist to serve your fellow people”. This song relies on harmony just as much as the melody and the lyrics in promoting its message. It includes basic diatonic triads, as well as extended chords and a few non-diatonic chords sprinkled in here and there. The song meanders through three keys as it takes the listener on a journey of self-exploration to eventually discover that “People are basically good…”.

The next song on the record is one of simplicity and honesty. It is a song about guilt and forgiveness aptly named My Apologies. Here, Kunnath sings affectionately to someone that is referred to in the song as “darling, dear”. The lyrics are full of guilt and disappointment, a desire to change and to seek forgiveness. In keeping with its humble message, My Apologies is a very simple song. It uses only three chords in a basic piano accompaniment pattern supported by simple programmed percussion parts.

The fourth composition on the Binding In Honour EP is called Most Sheltered Person. It is a song about how we tend to be disappointed by what we don’t have; we forget to be grateful for what we do have. Amit Kunnath’s lyrics in this song are simple and go straight to the message, as he passionately sings “I love my mum and dad, and my little brother too, because if it weren’t for them, this life wouldn’t feel like it’s true”. In this song, rather than relying on sophisticated language, Kunnath uses simplicity in these heart-touching lyrics about family, love, and gratitude.

Kunnath ends the record with the song Be Free. This song sums up the message behind the EP, the lyrics discussing how we can overcome our pain, build healthy relationships with others, and how we must rely on mutual trust and respect in solving our disagreements instead of resorting to litigation. Near the end of the song, Amit Kunnath surprises the listener with a saxophone solo, before singing a final chorus, and ending the record on a tenuto G6(add9) chord – somewhat dissonant yet reassuring and complete, just like life itself.

Amit Kunnath

Educated Earth

Instagram: @educatedearthmusic


Educated Earth is a music project by Amit Kunnath.

Why “Educated Earth”?

“I don’t believe that a perfect planet, a utopia, will ever exist. But that doesn’t mean I’m not idealistic. I want a world where opportunities for everyone to succeed in life are equal. And this can only be achieved through education. Hence, Educated Earth is a place in my head, a vision of an ideal world”.
