Darkness and light enchant one another
As they dance through the endless days
Of glory and love, and of hatred and anger
That are found not below nor above.
This is the world that we humans have made
For our purposes and for our needs
That never end despite the fact that
We have limited resources to spend.

Is it at all possible to expect sanity any time soon?
I cannot help but think not, despite my optimistic nature.

Taking a side means to stand against something
That others so passionately support
With all their energy and effort, they seek to uphold
Values that are contrary to my own.
Is it possible to be righteous in this world
Of power and greed, and of poverty and illness
That spreads throughout all the land
And infects us with a compassion drought?

No matter how naïve such a belief may be
It seems that people are better than bad and that one day we all will be free.